Tesla Announces FSD Transferability: A Game-Changing Move - Tesery Official Store
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Tesla Announces FSD Transferability: A Game-Changing Move

by Lucky LI on Aug 23, 2023

Tesla has taken a significant step by announcing that, starting in the third quarter of this year, owners will be able to transfer their Full Self-Driving (FSD) package from one vehicle to another

During Tesla's Q2 2023 earnings call, company executives addressed the question of allowing FSD transferability, which has been a topic of interest for Tesla owners. Retail investor Bryan K. raised the query of whether enabling FSD transfer could serve as an incentive for existing customers to upgrade to new Tesla models without being constrained by the FSD price.

Elon Musk, in response to the query, revealed, "So we're excited to announce that for Q3, we will be allowing transfer of FSD. This is a one-time amnesty, so you need to take advantage of it in Q3." He emphasized that owners should place an order within the third quarter to qualify for this unique FSD transfer opportunity. Musk added, "I hope this makes people happy."

The decision to introduce FSD transfers could potentially drive sales in the upcoming quarter, as many Tesla drivers have refrained from upgrading to newer models due to the FSD package they already possess. This move acknowledges the hesitation of existing FSD purchasers to repurchase the software for a new vehicle at a potentially higher price, considering Tesla's tendency to periodically increase FSD pricing.

In its current offerings, Tesla presents Enhanced Autopilot for $6,000 in the U.S., while the Full Self-Driving package is priced at $15,000. Enhanced Autopilot encompasses features such as Navigate on Autopilot, Auto Lane Change, Autopark, Summon, and Smart Summon. On the other hand, Full Self-Driving extends the functionality of Basic Autopilot and Enhanced Autopilot, including features like Traffic Light and Stop Sign Control.

Elon Musk also highlighted during the recent earnings call that Tesla offers a monthly subscription for FSD. For those interested in upgrading from Basic Autopilot to FSD, the monthly subscription costs $199.00. Similarly, the transition from Enhanced Autopilot to FSD through the subscription route comes at a monthly cost of $99.00.

With this new development, Tesla aims to offer greater flexibility and value to its existing customer base, promoting smoother transitions to newer vehicles while retaining the benefits of the coveted Full Self-Driving package.

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