TESERY 8,9'' integreret Dashboard Display med Ambient Lighting til Model 3 Highland
Estimated Delivery:Mar 16 - Mar 20
Free Shipping: On all orders over $149

- Sømløs integration: Drevet af et avanceret Linux-system med god stabilitet og høj pålidelighed, passer perfekt til det originale bilsystem, hvilket gør det muligt for enhver Tesla-ejer at få en fordybende køreoplevelse.
- God luftcirkulation: Behold originale dobbelte luftkanaler, og nyd en ensartet og blid luftstrøm som sædvanligt.
- Trådløs/trådløs Carplay & Android Auto: Kan bruge forskellige applikationer fra telefonen foran førerens øjne gennem Apple Carplay og Android Auto.
- Synkronisering af skærmen: Synkroniser problemfrit vigtige køreoplysninger såsom tid, blinklys, bremsestatus, temperatur, hastighed og mere.
- Ratkontrol: Fungerer godt sammen med rattet, ved at rulle rulleknappen op og ned, kan du nemt skifte det interface, du ønsker under kørslen, hvilket øger sikkerheden og bekvemmeligheden.
- Nem installation: Plug and play, installer på få minutter med minimal indsats og ingen skader på det originale bilinterface.
- Forbedre æstetikken: Kan tilpasses flerfarvet LED-omgivelsesbelysning, forbedrer interiørets æstetik og skaber en behagelig køreoplevelse.
Pakke inkludering
1 stk/sæt × Integreret instrument med ambient belysning

TESERY 8,9'' integreret Dashboard Display med Ambient Lighting til Model 3 Highland
Tesla Model 3 Highland Dashboard Display : Enhance Interior and Driving Experience
Are you tired of turning your head to glance at important driving information on your Tesla's center touch screen? With this Integrated Dashboard Display, now you can enjoy Apple CarPlay and Android Auto in your Tesla! Retain original dual air ducts, and enjoy gentle airflow. Personalize driving experience with multi-color LED ambient lighting, enhances the interior aesthetics and creates a pleasant driving experience.
Integrated Dashboard Display with Ambient Lighting

2UI Interface

Display Interface

Multifunction Colorful Ambient Lighting

Illumination Excellence

Interior Upgrade
Good Air Circulation Without Blocking Airflow

Touchscreen Operation

Steering Wheel Control
Support Carplay & Android Auto

Real-time Sync Information
Basic driving information like time, turn signals, brake status, temperature, and speed are seamlessly synced, ensuring all essential data is clearly visible, keeping your focus on the road and enhancing safety.

Quick Function Operation
Swift access to main settings, easy control of your Tesla's features like seat adjustment, door regulation, and mirror settings. Advanced safety features and seamless control over your Tesla's functions.
OTA One Click Upgrade

Front Camera Optional

Non-destructive Installation

Model 3 Highland Dashboard Display FAQ
Q1 - Does this Integrated Dashboard Display only suitable for Model 3 Highland that drive on the left hand?
Q2 - Do I need a specialized technician to install this dashboard?
Q3 - Can I customize the color of the ambient lighting?
Q4 - Does the dashboard include all the necessary accessories?
Q5 - Will installing this dashboard affect the warranty of my vehicle?