7 Essential Tips for First-Time Tesla Drivers - Tesery Official Store
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7 Essential Tips for First-Time Tesla Drivers

by LILucky on Jan 26, 2024

So, you've finally gotten behind the wheel of a Tesla Model S, or perhaps a generous friend has lent you theirs for a spin. Driving a Tesla is unlike anything you've experienced before, and there are a few key things you should know before you hit the road. Recently, a Reddit user sought advice from seasoned Tesla owners, and their insights offer invaluable guidance for first-timers.

One of the most crucial pieces of advice, echoed by Tesla enthusiasts and experienced drivers alike, is to exercise caution when accelerating. Tesla's renowned acceleration can catch even the most seasoned drivers off guard, so resist the temptation to floor it from the get-go. Additionally, while Tesla's Autopilot feature is cutting-edge technology, it's essential to remember that it's not a substitute for attentive driving.

Among the plethora of tips shared, Reddit user Perkelton provided some particularly insightful advice. Here are some highlights:

  1. Respect the Weight: Despite its agility, remember that a Tesla Model S weighs over 2 tonnes. This mass can be deceiving, especially when navigating icy roads. Avoid learning this lesson the hard way by adjusting your braking distance accordingly.
  2. Embrace Your Rear Camera: The rear window in a Tesla is relatively small, making the rear camera your best ally. However, be mindful that it can become obscured, particularly in wintry conditions. Keep it clean for optimal visibility.
  3. Consider Temperature: Cold weather can impact your Tesla's performance, especially below 0°C. Acceleration and regenerative braking may be limited until the car warms up. To maximize your driving experience, consider preheating the battery through the settings menu.

Driving a Tesla is an exhilarating experience, but it's essential to familiarize yourself with its unique characteristics. By heeding these tips, you'll ensure a safe and enjoyable journey behind the wheel of your electric marvel.

This article outlines seven essential tips for first-time Tesla drivers, offering practical advice for navigating the unique features and capabilities of these electric vehicles.

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