How does Tesla adjust from 16A to 32A? Which one of Tesla 32A and 16A hurts the battery? - Tesery Official Store
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How does Tesla adjust from 16A to 32A? Which one of Tesla 32A and 16A hurts the battery?

by LILucky on Mar 11, 2023

Tesla's charging pile at home can support a charging power of 7KW (32A), but many people find that their charging pile only supports a charging current of 16A, so how does Tesla adjust from 16A to 32A?

1. Car screen adjustment

Click the "Car" icon in the lower left corner of the Tesla central control screen, select "Charge", and find "Charging current at this location", and then adjust to the corresponding charging current according to your needs;

2. Mobile phone adjustment

If you are using Tesla's third-generation charging pile, then the charging pile can support the current size adjusted by the mobile phone, and you only need to adjust it in Tesla's official APP. But it should be noted that the Tesla APP must be updated to version 4.1.1 or later.

3. Replace the charging pile

At present, Tesla's third-generation charging pile is 32A by default. If the owner installs a non-Tesla official charging pile, the charging pile can be replaced to achieve the purpose of increasing the charging current. Among them, the price of Tesla’s third-generation charging pile is 8,000 yuan, including 40 meters of wires. If it exceeds 40 meters, it will charge 70 yuan per meter of wires.

4. Change the charging pile line

Generally speaking, the charging power of household charging piles has been adjusted during installation. Among them, the default power of Tesla’s third-generation charging piles is 32A. If your charging piles do not meet this standard, you can ask professionals to help you change them. Line, of course, this operation has security risks, so it is not recommended for everyone to use.

Which one of Tesla 32A and 16A hurts the battery?

Theoretically, Tesla 32A will damage the battery more than 16A. Although fast charging can save a lot of time and energy for car owners, the faster the charging speed, the greater the damage to the battery. After all, when the current and voltage are high, the impact on the battery is relatively large, so it may be better to choose 16A charging if you are not in a hurry.

Of course, with the continuous development of automobile technology, electric cars like Tesla are equipped with an intelligent battery management system, and the vehicle will adjust the optimal charging power according to the situation. For example, when Tesla is charging, once an accident is detected Fluctuations, then the current will be automatically reduced to improve the stability and safety of charging.

Therefore, you don’t have to be too entangled in the process of using the vehicle. You must know that the car is bought for use, and you can use it as convenient as you want. The vehicle is not as fragile as you think.

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