Mastering Your First Electric Road Trip: Insights and Tips from Tesla Owners - Tesery Official Store
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Mastering Your First Electric Road Trip: Insights and Tips from Tesla Owners

by LILucky on Jan 15, 2024

Embarking on your first road trip in a Tesla or any electric vehicle (EV) can be a thrilling yet nerve-wracking experience. Shifting your mindset towards charging is a learning curve, but fear not – with careful planning, it becomes a manageable and even enjoyable adventure. Recently, Tesla owners shared their road trip experiences and valuable tips to make your journey smooth and stress-free.

Trusting Your Tesla

Learn to trust the car, advise experienced Tesla owners.

Dennis Duncan, a Model Y owner, emphasizes the importance of trusting your Tesla's guidance on battery management. Initially cautious, Duncan learned to rely on the car's accurate assessments of charge levels and available charging stations during his annual trips from Washington to Montana.

Start Small, Stay Smart

Begin with shorter trips and stay near interstates

For newcomers, Tesla owners recommend starting with shorter trips in densely populated areas. Ken Vizena, a Model Y owner, advocates avoiding rural areas and sticking to highways with accessible charging stations. Gradually, you'll become adept at managing the car's battery and planning charging stops effectively.

Supercharger Network Advantage

Tesla's Supercharger network is a game-changer

Jonathan Baalke, a Model 3 owner, highlights the significant advantage of Tesla's Supercharger network. Driving over 150 miles daily, Baalke expresses confidence and minimal range anxiety, emphasizing the reliability of Tesla's charging infrastructure compared to third-party alternatives.

Charging Breaks

Charging is a natural break, share Tesla drivers.

Model S owner David Craig suggests stopping to charge approximately every four hours, viewing it as a natural break. Charging sessions not only replenish the battery but also provide an opportunity to stretch, enjoy lunch at nearby restaurants, and make the journey more comfortable.

Strategic Planning

Plan charging stops ahead, advise experienced Tesla owners.

For successful road trips, meticulous planning is crucial. Leonard Zuga, a Model Y owner, emphasizes the need for thorough planning, including the selection of hotels close to Superchargers. Whether using non-Tesla apps or in-car navigation, planning ahead ensures a seamless journey.

In-Car Navigation Convenience

Utilize Tesla's in-car navigation for a hassle-free journey

Brian Loughman, a Model 3 owner, prefers Tesla's in-car navigation. By programming the route while connected to a home charger, the car guides him on stopping points, estimated battery levels, and charging durations. It's a convenient and stress-free way to ensure a well-organized trip.


In conclusion, the first electric road trip might induce anxiety, but Tesla owners assure that trusting your car, strategic planning, and utilizing the Supercharger network make the journey enjoyable. As you embrace the EV experience, remember to enjoy the journey, save on gas costs, and explore the comfort of camping in your Tesla. Happy and electrifying travels!


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