Elon Musk's FSD V12 Demo: Insights into Tesla's Fleet Expansion and Autonomous Future - Tesery Official Store
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Elon Musk's FSD V12 Demo: Insights into Tesla's Fleet Expansion and Autonomous Future

by Lucky LI on Aug 29, 2023

Over the weekend, Tesla enthusiasts and tech aficionados eagerly tuned in to witness a highly-anticipated event orchestrated by none other than the maverick CEO himself, Elon Musk. The spotlight was on Tesla's Full Self-Driving (FSD) version 12, as Musk demonstrated its prowess in a live showcase. The event unfolded on X platform, drawing an impressive 11.1 million views as of the time of writing. However, it wasn't just the impressive viewership that captured attention; it was Musk's post-demonstration remarks that offered a tantalizing glimpse into his expectations for the evolution of Tesla's vehicle fleet.

The drive itself, showcased during the demonstration, unfolded in a rather unexpected manner. FSD V12 exhibited behaviors remarkably akin to a seasoned human driver, rendering the journey surprisingly uneventful. Musk was keen to emphasize the smoothness of FSD V12's performance, showcasing its ability to adeptly handle diverse road scenarios. From navigating construction zones to tackling speed bumps, the system seamlessly responded without a hitch. In a testament to its advanced capabilities, Musk's intervention was only necessitated once, at a bustling intersection where FSD V12 displayed caution to avoid running a red light.

Musk's remarks after the demonstration carried more than met the eye. His commentary offered a tantalizing hint at his vision for the scale of Tesla's fleet in the years to come. Indicating the technology's potential for transformative impact, his comments alluded to a fleet size that would far surpass the current numbers.

Social media lit up in response to Musk's demonstration, with a diverse range of perspectives. Critics of the system were swift to dismiss it as evidence of FSD's lack of safety, while supporters hailed the remarkable strides made by the technology. Among those who discerned the groundbreaking nature of the demonstration was tech evangelist Robert Scoble. He lauded the drive as the first public display of a "robot that learned to move around the world by watching only videos."

Responding to Scoble's observations, Musk underscored a remarkable facet of FSD V12's computational prowess. Astonishingly, the inference compute power required for the demonstration was a mere 100W on Tesla's AI computer. Musk illuminated how this seemingly modest power requirement was sufficient to accomplish superhuman driving feats. However, he emphasized that achieving such capabilities demands substantial financial investments, in the realm of billions of dollars annually, coupled with a sprawling fleet of vehicles.

Intriguingly, Tesla is already positioned with a significant edge. With over 4 million cars equipped with AI-capable hardware on the roads, the company wields an unparalleled resource for training its autonomous systems. A feat all the more remarkable considering the relatively short span of Tesla's existence in the automotive domain. Musk's projection for the future is bold; he envisions the fleet swelling to "roughly 10 million" in a few years. While Musk's optimism is renowned, this projection aligns closely with reality. As indicated by Statista, Tesla's cumulative sales have already crossed the 4.4 million mark. With the company's upward trajectory, reaching a fleet of 10 million vehicles appears well within grasp.

In the ever-evolving landscape of transportation technology, Elon Musk's FSD V12 demonstration stands as a testament to Tesla's relentless pursuit of autonomous excellence. The event not only highlighted the technology's human-like performance but also provided a window into the visionary expansion of Tesla's fleet. As the company continues to push boundaries, it's becoming increasingly evident that the future of mobility is being shaped in the heart of Tesla's innovative endeavors.

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