Teslaモデル3 2017-2024モデルY 2020-2024用ノンスリップウェアキーカードカバー
A Protective Embrace for Your Tesla Key Card
Tesla Model 3/Y Key Card Holder - Luxury Protection!
A Fusion of Comfort and Elegance
Handmade Craftsmanship for Tesla Keys!
Why Choose TESERY Tesla Key Card Holder?
Both Practical and Beautiful!
Provide Precise Fit Protection
Unobstructed Signal Transmission!
Convenient Ring Finger Design
"0" Burden Lightweight Design
Three Colors to Choose From
Tesla Key Card Holder FAQs
Does the product include a Tesla key card?
Will the key card cover affect the signal reception of the key card?
Is the key card cover easy to separate from the key card?
Is the key card cover suitable as a gift?
Does the key card cover fade easily?
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