テールライト ターン ブレーキ ランプ テスラ モデル Y/3 2017-2023 1077399-00-C
For Tesla Model 3 (2017-2020/2021-2023) and Model Y 2020-2023 (OE Numbers:1077399-00-C)
Tesery Taillght turn brake lamp

Illuminating the Journey Ahead
A Beacon in the Fog

Why chosse Tesery Taillght turn brake lamp?

Model-Specific Taillight Design

All-Weather LED Illumination

Genuine Replacement Compatibility

Weather-Resistant Sealing

Simple and Direct Replacement

Improved Rear Visibility for Safety
Tesery Taillght turn brake lamp FAQ
Does it can be installed on 2017 model 3?
Does the rear light lens look as same as Existed one?
Can the taillight be used in cold weather conditions?
Does the taillight come with a wiring harness?
Is the taillight easy to clean and maintain?